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Inpatient Treatment

Inpatient Treatment

Inpatient Treatment for Adolescents ages 11–17

Adolescents dealing with behavioral health problems or addiction to drugs and/or alcohol may find help at SummitRidge Hospital. Our professional, caring staff has years of combined experience working with adolescents diagnosed with mood, behavior and substance use disorders.

Services include:

  • Psychiatric assessment
  • Family therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Recovery skills
  • Academic support
  • Recreation therapy
  • Art therapy
  • Parent and teen support

It is important to note that adolescents exhibiting addiction tendencies may suffer from other undiagnosed psychiatric illnesses. Many adolescents who use drugs or alcohol often suffer from depression, bipolar disorder, ADHD or similar mental health illnesses.

For most adolescents, the experimental use of alcohol and/or drugs might be considered fun or perhaps even provide relief from stress or a personal loss. Initially, only a small amount of alcohol or drugs is used to numb those nagging unpleasant feelings, but as those emotions intensify, more and more of the addictive substance may be used to lessen the pain… so begins the cycle of addiction.

Many of the emotional overloads experienced by adolescents may be traced to one of the following root causes:

  • Conflicts with parents or friends
  • Major family illness or surgery
  • Divorce or custody battle
  • Death of a loved one
  • Suicide of a friend
  • Substance abuse within the family
  • Unrecognized depression, bipolar disorder or other mental health disorders

Many of these behaviors may be seen as “normal” for adolescents, however when multiple behaviors are noticeable, it may indicate that the teenager has a serious problem that can respond to treatment. Some adolescents have problems with depression/bipolar disorder and alcohol and drugs.

For more information or to refer a patient to our Inpatient Adolescent Program, please contact us today.

Health and Healing are a Phone Call Away

If you or a loved one is struggling with psychiatric or substance abuse difficulties, SummitRidge Hospital may be able to help. Call 678-442-5858 for a no-cost, confidential assessment today.