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Adult Intensive Outpatient

Adult Intensive Outpatient

Adult Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

Adult Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is a program for both inpatient treatment and Partial Hospitalization (PHP) that provides the opportunity to continue to focus on their treatment issues as they begin to resume their daily lives. This program is scheduled Monday through Friday and is offered at both our Lawrenceville and Athens Branches outpatient locations.

Two Convenient Locations

Branches SummitRidgeBranches
250 Scenic Highway, Lawrenceville, GA 30046


Branches Athens SummitRidgeBranches Athens
400 Hawthorne Lane, Athens, GA 30606

Health and Healing are a Phone Call Away

If you or a loved one is struggling with psychiatric or substance abuse difficulties, SummitRidge Hospital may be able to help. Call 678-442-5858 for a no-cost, confidential assessment today.